HyperSnap-DX 5 offers four types of captures, listed in the table below:

Full screen capture

Captures the entire screen, edge to edge.

Window capture

Captures the exact window you specify (either with or without a window border).

Region capture

Captures a rectilinear region (or multiple regions) which you can define with a "rubber band" bounding box during the capturing process. New to this release is the ability to capture multiple regions, and with the space between them filled by a background color of your choice, and even hand-drawn regions.

DirectX® or Glide® capture

Captures those hard-to-retrieve screens from 3D accelerated hardware image buffers. This function allows you to grab screens from games or 3D development software that—previously—have been impossible to get with other capture tools.

Powerful tools.

Of course, no matter what type of capture you make, you can use HyperSnap-DX 5's post-capture tools to edit, crop, and otherwise alter your image so that it best fits your intended usage.

Click here to read though a typical capture session walk-though.